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Setup Environment Variables

We use Doppler as our team's central source of truth for secrets and app configuration.

  1. Get invited to Jesus Film Doppler account by sending an email to our Doppler Administrator.
  2. In a container terminal, login to the Doppler CLI
doppler login
  1. Type n<enter> when asked to open authorization page in a browser
Open the authorization page in your browser? (Y/n) n
  1. Open the authorization page to complete authorization. This will require you to login to Doppler, copy your auth code from your terminal, and give your newly minted token a name. On completion you terminal should look like the following:
? Open the authorization page in your browser? No
Complete authorization at
Your auth code is:


Welcome, Brian
  1. Fetch environment variables using fetch-secrets
DOPPLER_CONFIG=dev nx run-many --all --target=fetch-secrets

Getting Started without a Backend

If you just want to dig right in without setting up a local backend then you run the following command:

DOPPLER_CONFIG=stg_dev nx run-many --projects=tag:doppler_config:stg_dev --target=fetch-secrets

This will point your local frontend projects to our stage api-gateway so you can get started right away. For example you can start the journeys application using the following command:

nx run journeys-admin:serve

The key difference is the environment variable DOPPLER_CONFIG=stg_dev tells doppler to get enviroment variables for the stg_dev environment of the relevant project instead. You can revert this change by following step 4 of this guide again.

You can skip ahead to step 2 in 4. Starting Projects guide if getting started without a backend.

Common Issues

I changed to stg_dev environment variables but now I want to go back

You might already be working with your local backend but want to try some changes against stage. Just run the following command (given above):

DOPPLER_CONFIG=dev nx run-many --all --target=fetch-secrets

If you are signed in your web browser to localhost before performing DOPPLER_CONFIG change then you will need to clear the cookies from your localhost as they will not match the stage cookie values and firebase credentials.

You'll see the error below this issue is relevant to you:

TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "key" argument must be of type string or an instance of ArrayBuffer, Buffer, TypedArray, DataView, KeyObject, or CryptoKey. Received undefined
    at new NodeError (node:internal/errors:405:5)
    at prepareSecretKey (node:internal/crypto/keys:596:11)
    at new Hmac (node:internal/crypto/hash:134:9)
    at Object.createHmac (node:crypto:165:10)
    at sign (/workspaces/core/node_modules/keygrip/index.js:23:8)
    at Keygrip.index (/workspaces/core/node_modules/keygrip/index.js:38:27)
    at c.get (/workspaces/core/node_modules/next-firebase-auth/build/index.node.js:2:1640)